What type of #blogger are you?

My answer to this is ‘A rubbish one!’

Let me explain this. This is purely my opinion due to how I go about writing reviews and other things which I will get to in time.

  1. I don’t make notes while reading!  I make mental notes and while writing up the review it has all gone to pot! When I am writing either I end up with brain freeze or word fart as a result and as a result of both I don’t write overly detailed reviews.
  2. I am rubbish with my diary! I write in my diary the dates that have blog tours, review or whatever else scheduled but I don’t make a note as to when I should actually sort these things out, reading/writing, and end up doing it all last minute…well a lot of the time but not every time. I am intending to implementing a 2 diary system to deal with this.
  3. I don’t take part in memes! This one is simple – I can stick at something for a short period of time but I detest monotony.
  4. I don’t tell folk that I am a blogger! This one is strange because people just don’t get it. Even when I had my previous blog I just said I test products for companies. Now I say I read books and let others know what I think prior to release. I remember the first time I was introduced as a blogger and I thought how amazing this was to actually be called a blogger, it was like a right of passage for me. My husband tells people (who I don’t know) I am a book blogger and they ask do I have a Youtube channel so they can watch – he is very proud of me. Even with these reactions, I am still not ready to declare that I AM A BLOGGER because I don’t feel I deserve that title.
  5.  I find interaction hard! Twitter intimidates me, all social media does! I seem to always need to answer and carry on and on and on and on……you get the idea! Face to face I come across as an extrovert but it is a case of I’m not used to interacting with people so I end up with logorrhea. I have to say that this is not a great quality!!

My list could go on and on but I will stop here for now.

We all are hard on ourselves and this is the norm! It is ok to feel that you aren’t a perfect blogger but it is essential that you learn to remedy what you feel to be an issue. How about you sit down and write your goals for your blog and how you are going to achieve this. Some people are able to post 3 posts 7 days a week and others have one post a week. Both of these are ok and if you are aspiring to match up to those who are able to have many posts in one day don’t push yourself to start this straight off, work up to it! We need to consider realistic goals. My posting schedule, in my mind, is Monday/Wednesday/Friday but I know that this can range from 1 – 5 posts a week rather than 3.

Maybe, like me, you are befuddled when it comes to your graphics. I reached out to a blogger who’s graphics blow me away and she gave me some advice. I didn’t have a logo and any images that I had tried to make were crudely put together. She advised Fiverr for a logo and Canva for the graphics. My experience with Fiverr wasn’t a good one but if you really look into your graphic designer and possibly get recommendations as to who is good by asking someone who has a logo that you like the style of.  Others use PicMonkey and seem to enjoy it. Make sure that you use copyright free images and if not then be sure to give credit to where you found the image. I use Pixabay for my images but I have been known to search online for gifs and images.

From one human to another, DO NOT PUT PRESSURE ON YOURSELF!!!! This will stop blogging from being fun and what is worse, it will stop reading from being fun. We are book lovers above all else.

Like me, you probably started writing reviews purely to tell people about the books you read and it was never about hitting 20k followers and making a living out of it… Don’t get me wrong it would be fantastic for this to happen but let’s make one thing clear; making money off book blogging alone is very difficult. You could possibly run an Etsy site alongside your blog, organise blog tours, offer proofreading/beta reading services… the list goes on, but to just write posts the making money is unrealistic, yes you can have affiliate links but, in all honesty, you won’t make a lot from them. I was overwhelmed when I ended up with 100 followers (I’ve more now), I never expected that at all and I value my followers each and every one of them. Even if I end up with…actually I don’t know how many because I am just so touched every time I get a notification of a new follower…Where was I? Oh, yes! Well if I end up with a lot more followers I will still value every single one as I feel humbled by the fact they have chosen to follow and read my point of view, this was never about making money for me but I have given you some example of how to make some if you are interested! I am not saying that at some point I won’t offer services but given that I am rubbish at keeping on top of my diary at the moment there is no way it will happen anytime soon!!

Remember that this is your project, not anyone else’s so don’t try to be something you are not. If you need help/advice then ask for it, there will always be others who are more than willing to help. And most importantly, have fun. So what if you aren’t organised or post sporadically that is the quality, not quantity that matters!

Have a wonderful day folks and, more importantly, have fun!!


Lisa xx

20 thoughts on “What type of #blogger are you?

  1. I try to take notes while reading but sometimes I forget and get myself in big trouble when writing my review. Not that I don’t know what to write but I might have forgotten some emotions on the way… It would be so much better if I wrote down my thoughts more diligently. I also don’t tell people I’m a blogger.. I think only 4-5 people really know that know me personally. I’m quite okay with that I find a certain joy that they don’t even know my secret. A diary? I don’t even have a diary.. I print a monthly calendar from one of the images I find on the internet and note dates there. All the rest (the planning) happens in my head. I’m very organized in my head. Great topic and it looks like we’ve got more in common than you’d think!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have a book blog too, and I never thought I’d ever gain lots of followers or turn it into a career. Whilst part of me thinks that might be nice (I joke with my friends that it’s the “Zoella Effect”) I’d rather this stay as a hobby. I like writing book reviews and recording my thoughts, but that means I always have to be writing notes as I read! Otherwise my opinions might just fall out of my head 😛
    My book blog is here if you’d like to take a look: https://readandreview2016.wordpress.com/ 🙂


    • I have no idea what a Zoella is, I’m old! I’ve been blogging since 2008 but the book blog is relitivly new, I still have my other blog though. Thanks for replying your blog looks really good!

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  3. I never liked taking notes even though I know that notes can be helpful in the long run. I have tried taking notes several times before but it just wasn’t my style.


  4. Love this post it’s exactly how I feel about my blog and blogging! I don’t join in blog tours as I don’t want the pressure of it all and I’ve even thought about deleting my NetGalley account when realised I had so many books to read and review. I haven’t and I’m quite gad because I realise there’s no rush. I’ve tried to tell people about my blog but most just aren’t interested so I’ve stopped but I do love Twitter and meme. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love this post you have pretty much described me! And to add to my ‘dreadful blogger’ label I have realised that I have screwed my dates and posted my tour review on the wrong day aaaaargh. Is there somewhere we can hide lol xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think we are all so super critical of ourselves especially given we are putting ourselves out there for, potentially, millions to see! It is something I think we need to just learn to chillax over although saying it is easy lol

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  6. This is excellent advice. I feel like it’s easy to get stressed out and it’s nice to take a step back and relax. Sometimes I find interaction difficult, My TBR is out of control, and Netgalley as well, but it’s okay. 😉 Thanks for the great post! 🙂

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  7. I love your post! Thanks for sharing!
    And I know how you feel about the blogger part. I don’t tell people I’m a blogger either. It’s so weird you know? I rather tell them I write reviews and then I leave it up to their imagination: Does she publish them and if yes where and how? 😀
    My friend and I started our blog almost a year ago and it’s so much fun. But I sometimes put too much pressure on myself, unfortunately. Something like “In the last recap I wrote I would review 5 books, so I HAVE TO review all 5 of them!” It’s so stupid to be honest. I don’t think that other bloggers expect me to review all those books but I guess my mind like to pressure me.

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    • After almost 10 yrs I still find it strange to say! I will type it but I can’t verbalise it, it’s almost like I trip over the word in my mind and it can’t make it out of my mouth 😂

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  8. When I started book blogging (I had been blogging all sorts of other shite prior to that for years) I felt pressure wth everything.. content, images, graphics, design blablabla… now? Now I just blog when I feel like or actually have a review ready to go up… I don’t feel the pressure anymore to fill the space in between reviews because if I push it, I post rubbish and if I’m not feeling it, why bombard my followers with stuff even I don’t like? I see how blogging really puts some people under pressure and I’m like- stop, just stop stressing yourself out with it! 😀 We all say we do this for fun and a lot of us tend to forget that simple fact. Me too, sometimes… but I am better at it now.. just laid back and it is what it is 🙂 Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • In all honesty think for a lot of us it has become a job. I keep booking too many blog tours then get stressed over them lol best thing really is go with the flow!

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