This is a slightly different post today.

I don’t know if I ever discussed this on this blog, I know I did on my other blog, though, but I suffer from chronic pain. From Christmas have been having a very rough time and more ‘flair ups’ than normal. For those of you who don’t know what chronic pain is it is where you live in constant pain but suffer flair ups which in my case leave me bed bound for anywhere from 2 days to 4 weeks at a time. 

The reason I am doing this oh so private personal piece of information is for a couple of reasons. One is to make people aware of how a smile doesn’t always mean you are smiling on the inside. I also have suffered from clinical depression for 20 years and needless to say I’m quite the pro when it comes to the pretending there are no problems be it with pain or my crazy in the upstairs area. The other reason is to explain why I’ve not actively been posting much. The fact is I am actually way behind on NetGalley ARCs as well as my own TBR and it is really bugging me. I am hopefully going to be back to posting regularly soon and I have a blog tour coming up so hopefully, February will be different, good different! 

I am aware I didn’t need to get out there and tell this but I am a very upfront person so if asked I would have ended up telling why I’ve not been too active so just thought this was easier.

Thanks, if you stuck it out to the end cos I am actually bored at this point so I won’t be surprised if anyone else is 😁😁!!

Also, thank you so much to everyone for your support and shares ❤

Lotsa love

Lisa xx

11 thoughts on “This is a slightly different post today.

  1. Oh Lisa *gentle hugs* I sympathise with you, I too have chronic pain (& chronic fatigue), so know how debilitating it can be. It’s very brave of you to put this out there, well done you. Take care xx

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    • Chronic Fatigue is terrible, bad enough you have one without the other as well 😦 . Thanks you so much Kate and *hugs* for you too. Sometimes it is hard to put something out online because so much hate can be received but tbh I would rather the folks that matter knew the truth x

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Emma xx. Thankfully today I feel more Lisaish so going to meet a friend for coffee. After a bad period of pain baby steps are required however coffee is ALWAYS called for 👍

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